Interim 2009 - Reisverslag uit Berlijn, Duitsland van Henk Eshuis - Interim 2009 - Reisverslag uit Berlijn, Duitsland van Henk Eshuis -

Interim 2009

Door: Henk

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Henk

19 Januari 2009 | Duitsland, Berlijn

Hello all

Here a small message from me from abroad :). Now in Englisch so everyone can read it. Just as last year I went to the Interim, the half year meeting for IFSA officials. This time it was in Hinterzarten. That is a small village nearby Freiburg in the middle of the black forest.

I arrived there on friday afternoon where I almost directly could start the presentation of the webcommission where I am still the head of. Also the other commission presented themselves and we discussed a lot of things. The biggest problem still is the bad comminication an bad motivation. I also encountered that in the past time.

In the evenings there was of course a lot of time to have some fun, drink a lot of beers and talk to the people I havent see for a long time. We were staying in a hut, methislihut in the middle of the black forest, a very beautiful place covered in snow. When I am back in Wageningen I will put some photos online.

Yesterday it ended and everybody went home. I went to Adrians (an old webcommissioner) place and stayed there over the night. And now I am in the secretariat of IFSA in Freiburg. The local committee here runs all the administration of IFSA and all the post is sended from here :) Later on I am going to do some siteseeing here in Freiburg an probably drink some beers with some forestrystudents here :) At 5 in the afternoon my train leaves and around 22.30 I will be back in Arnhem.

I am really glad I went here, to see all the people where I have to work with and already know from meetings in Estonia and South Africa and I cant wait to go to Indonesia in Summer :D

  • 20 Januari 2009 - 07:57


    De Martisle Hutte heeft zijn charme hè? Lag er weer sneeuw? Ik ken het niet anders dan bedolven onder een enorme laag sneeuw. Met of zonder elektriciteit...

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Verslag uit: Duitsland, Berlijn

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